現成的研究院公司轉讓“中醫藥國際化要加強優勢病種、療法的挖掘與研究,練好基本功,同時加強國際交流與深度合作,中醫藥國際化一定要以點帶面、以小帶大、我主人隨,切不可大而化之。中醫藥傳播應重視借助中醫成語、中醫歷史典故、中醫各種療法、藥食同源之食品等宣傳普及中醫。加強五運六氣治未病應用,充分利用各國大使館在北京的優勢,通過調集相關專家到大使館做中醫科普宣傳與疑難病診治,提升各國使館人員對中醫的認識、認同,宣傳傳遞中醫及中國。”北京中醫藥大學教授、北中醫附屬三院針灸微創科主任黃金昶表示。善以針和灸治療惡性等疑難雜癥的黃金昶認為,針灸應該是中醫藥國際化的切點。The process of transfer by the Institute 1. Choose a suitable name, at present the registered name of the institute has been suspended in Beijing, our company has a batch of registered with the institute or research institute license can change you to the name you want 2. Choose a suitable type of enterprise. A person wants to register an enterprise with a hospital, then choose a sole proprietorship enterprise, if you want more than 2 people to register, then choose the type of collective ownership 3. The confirmation of registered capital, sole proprietorship does not show registered capital, collective registered capital must be paid, but our company can help you handle 4. Select a suitable actual office address, must be the office address, Then select the name of the transfer flow chart of the Institute of Business scope-select the type of registration-confirm the registered capital-select the registered address (the whole process is completed in 5-7 working days) ready-made transfer of the research company
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